FALL 2022 is Now Live!
Introducing a new knit sweater and two new button-up shirts!
KINWAMONSTER is also bringing back the limited edition Lunar New Year BLUE TIGER Windbreaker Jacket after receiving so many requests for restock!
KINWAMONSTER is also bringing back the limited edition Lunar New Year BLUE TIGER Windbreaker Jacket after receiving so many requests for restock!
And this year's Which Witch Gacha has to be my all time favorite set I've designed so far! While it was a harrowing process to essentially create each full-body design as I was drawing the stickers, I am very proud of how unique and striking each dress came out to be!
Happy Shopping!
Productivity and Self-Care
I don't often talk about myself when it comes to my brand because I would like my brand to speak for itself through the hard work that I put into it. But I realize, that without me, there would be no brand or company. It is really tough sometimes to balance my personal life and my company without wearing myself thin. I remember around this time last year I was severely burnt out from planning and designing my seasonal collections; I had told myself to not take on any more conventions after ANIMENYC due to the burn out, to give myself at least two months of rest before tackling Katsucon in February.
Unfortunately, life has its own plans and I, again, experienced burnout last month. Having to manage the logistics and customer service for my company alone while also designing the collections as an artist, really took a massive toll on me. I often feel pressured to release massive collections every season and I feel like I failed somehow if I don't. And so I'm learning all over again to forgive myself for not pumping out designs just for the sake of doing so, and that it's okay to scrap a few designs here or there and go back to drawing board. To take it slow and steady. Because there's always time and always room for another collection down the road. The most important thing right now is that I am creating designs that I myself would love to wear and that I can wholeheartedly say I'm proud of creating.
It took me a while to recover from the burnout but I am now creatively recharged and feeling more motivated! Hope you'll like what is coming soon! Also, please take care of yourself too!
Thank you for reading!